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Atlantis Expeditions



ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 1: Atlantis on Earth

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 1: Atlantis on Earth
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP1-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP1-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Sheppard thrown to the wolves, the IOA and SGC wolves that is. What will happen to his military career? Will he ever get assigned to Atlantis again? What will become of the Atlantis team now that they are back on earth? Where will Dr. McKay and Dr. Keller have their wedding? These and may other questions are answered in this the first of many "Atlantis Expeditions" episodes in the series that will surely keep you coming back for more.

ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 2: When Science meets Medicine

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 2: When Science meets Medicine
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP2-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP2-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: McKay and Keller's wedding nuptials are imminent, naturally everything from pre-wedding jitters to stumbling on the 'I do's' occurs. Meanwhile Sheppard continues to undertake dangerous missions, aside from dealing with falling sheets of ice in the Antarctic he also has to contend with the Tok'ra for the first time. Will McKay and Keller finally tie the knot? Will Sheppard escape death in the freezing conditions of Antarctica only to be blown away during a Tok'ra/Jaffa battle? Find out in the second episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 3: Atlantis Feud

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 3: Atlantis Feud
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP3-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP3-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Woolsey is at his wits end, no-one is getting along on Atlantis and Dr's McKay and Zelenka are terrified at the prospect of Atlantis blowing up and as a consequence destroying Earth due to SGC Scientists causing havoc with the City's infrastructure. Will there be conflict between the Atlantean's and the SGC/IOA personnel on Atlantis? Will Sheppard come back to Atlantis to save the City? Not forgetting Todd the Wraith, is he planning and scheming in the Pegasus Galaxy? What experiments will Todd begin performing and will the experiments be good for the Wraith but deadly for the human race, Earth and Atlantis? Find out in the third episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 4: Sheppard's Return to Atlantis

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 4: Sheppard's Return to Atlantis
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP4-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP4-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Sheppard is finally coming home to Atlantis, however there may not be an Atlantis to speak of. Many of the City's systems are going haywire due to the SGC Scientists poking around and screwing up the systems. If Atlantis' systems aren't rectified, the City and Earth may be destroyed. Todd the Wraith continues with his new plan to enhance the evolutionary state of the Wraith. Will Sheppard's homecoming be his last? Will Atlantis and Earth be saved in time? What is Todd truly up to and what will it cost humanity? Find out in the fourth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 5: When Pegasus meets Earth

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 5: When Pegasus meets Earth
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP5-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP5-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Ronon becomes romantically involved with a new friend and the Atlantis personnel couldn't be happier, could there be wedding  bells in the future? All is not what it appears on Atlantis, aside from major repairs Sheppard must contend with not one but two murders as two crewmen's bodies are found. Could the murderer be personnel from Atlantis, the SGC or one of the few Aliens living there? Solve this masterful murder mystery in the fifth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 6: Trouble in Atlantis (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 6: Trouble in Atlantis
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP6-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP6-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Calamities arise all over Atlantis, fires break out, doors crush military personnel and many previously submerged areas of Atlantis are badly decayed and falling apart, all this results in dangerous situations for Sheppard, Teyla and others. Earth's oceans have entered Atlantis and as a result been contaminated with microbial organisms while another microbial plague strikes Atlantis personnel. Will Sheppard be able to rescue those caught in the fires? Will McKay and Zelenka prevent an oceanic catastrophe? Can Dr. Beckett and Dr. Keller-McKay find a cure for the plague?  Find out in the sixth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 7: Rodney's Bliss (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 7: Rodney's Bliss
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP7-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP7-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: McKay is a genius but his genius and ego go too far. After discovering some valuable Ancient databases translated by Dr. Jackson, McKay attempts to build a ZPM following the Ancient database plans and is stopped by Sheppard. As usual McKay doesn't listen to Sheppard, he tries to build a new type of generator, more powerful than a ZPM. Chaos ensues due to Rodney's work, fires break out, explosions occur in critical areas and Atlantis starts to sink! Can Sheppard save Atlantis? Will Atlantis end up submerged in San Francisco Bay? Will McKay survive a catastrophic explosion in his laboratory? Find out in the seventh episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 8: Flight of Moscow (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 8: Flight of Moscow
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP8-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP8-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: The Russians get a new ship to fight the Lucian Alliance, but will the crew survive the shake down exercises? Ronon and Siler, working on external scaffolding are in danger when a storm approaches, will Sheppard be able to rescue them using a Jumper? During the rescue McKay drops Ronon's safety rope and Ronon falls, will he survive? Sheppard's Jumper is hit by lightning, on board systems start failing, will Sheppard, McKay and Siler survive the inevitable crash? Will Atlantis personnel be able to find everyone in time or will they die from their injuries? Find out in the eighth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 9: Sheppard's Shock (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 9: Sheppard's Shock
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP9-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP9-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Sheppard, aboard the Apollo learns that Larrin is missing, possibly taken by the Wraith, will he be able to rescue her? Larrin took something from Sheppard that she had no right to, now he must come to terms with the result, what is he going to do with Larrin's children! Were they really his, how the hell did this happen? O'Neill's clone has joined the Air Force, Jonathan O'Neill has one mission in mind, to join the Stargate program and retake SG1 leadership. All he has to do is survive his classmates and Academy training. Jonas Quinn rejoins the SGC. All this and more is revealed in the ninth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 10: New Generation (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 10: New Generation
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP10-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP10-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Jennifer and Rodney have a daughter. Ronon and Amelia are expecting their first child. Mitchell, Reynolds and Vala arrive on Atlantis to take up new posts. Teyla takes leave on New Athos, spending precious time with Torren John and Kannan, she is delighted to find out she is pregnant. The Jaguar Strike Wing arrives through a rift in spacer, causing havoc in the Pegasus Galaxy. Who are the people wearing Atlantis uniforms, are they missing personnel thought to have been lost to the Wraith? More chilling is the mention of Kull Warriors, who are these people, where have they come from and what do they want? A huge episode, the tenth in the series of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 11: Leave (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 11: Leave
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP11-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP11-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Atlantis personnel are given leave, Lorne surprises everyone by getting married! A colleague of Zelenka arrives on Atlantis, Dr. Elena Petrov, always a thorn in Zelenka's side, is there romance awaiting Zelenka? Maybe a chess game? Sheppard and Vala Mal Doran plot to get Daniel into Vala's clutches, is marriage in Daniel and Vala's future? Influenza hits Atlantis, Ronon, Teyla and Vala end up on life support as the three have no immunity to Earth based diseases, however is the disease from Earth or did it originate from the Stargate as a result of SG missions to Alien planets? All this and more is revealed in the eleventh episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 12: Promotion (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 12: Promotion
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP12-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP12-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Carter is promoted to Brigadier General. Sam gets her wish, 'he' has said yes to her marriage proposal! Sheppard asks if she wants the reception on Atlantis and Sam says yes. Atlantis personnel are excited at the imminent reception, however they have to deal with a leaking city first. McKay gets trapped in a transporter with a giant spider and panics. Jonas Quinn is having trouble dealing with Jack O'Neill's clone (Jon O'Neill), when they are assigned to the same team at the SGC. Jonas, Nyan, Jon, Jon's teammate from the academy Reilly and a female Jaffa named Kaylor go on a mission which goes wrong immediately. Will they survive, find out in the twelfth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 13: Change of Command (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 13: Change of Command
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP13-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP13-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Atlantis has a new military commander, will Sheppard get the person he asked for? Sam marries the love of her life, however she has a secret, will the marriage be over before it begins? Lt. Jai'lin from the Jaguar Strike Wing meets Larrin, will she survive his interrogation? Naval exercises are ongoing near Atlantis, things go astray when Navy SEAL's get caught in a rip and surface in Atlantis! Sheppard and Daniel fight to keep everyone alive as Atlantean and SEAL forces meet on what the SEAL's believe is a secret Russian base. Will McKay survive a bullet fired from a SEAL gun? All will be revealed in the thirteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 14: Secret's Revealed (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 14: Secret's Revealed
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP14-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP14-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Lorne tells Sheppard of his marriage to Anne as they are expecting! Sam gives birth to a son, Jacob Martouf. Teyla is torn between her family, people and her life and friends on Atlantis. Unbeknown to everyone a beast has been living in a hidden pool on Atlantis, it attacks and kills many personnel, will Sheppard and the Security Teams survive the battle with the beast? SG9 has discovered a collapsing hangar in the Ancient Outpost, typically McKay, Daniel and Zelenka are trapped in the collapsing structure. Will Col. Ellis overcome an overtaxed hyper-drive or will it fail and strand him and his crew? All will be revealed in the fourteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 15: Rodney's ZPM (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 15: Rodney's ZPM
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP15-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP15-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Rodney builds a prototype ZPM and wants Sheppard to test it. Ronon and Amelia have twins and Ronon tries to find a permanent place on Atlantis by learning new skills. Sheppard clashes with members of the Jaguar Strike Wing Fleet, who will be victorious? The MSP's escape from the Jaguar Fleet after Lt. Jai'lin goes missing. Ronon and Teyla, (Team A) take on McKay, Zelenka, Jackson, Kavanaugh, Jonas Quinn and Nyan, (Team B), in a survival training exercise on Earth. Lot's happening in the fifteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 16: O'Neill returns to Atlantis (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 16: O'Neill returns to Atlantis
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP16-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP16-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Jack O'Neill is welcomed back by Sheppard and he settles into Atlantis. Sheppard learns to cook after inviting his commander to dinner. Sheppard discovers some hidden rooms on Atlantis and finds himself trapped, but he is not alone in the darkened rooms, he is attacked. Will he be rescued, will he ever be found? A large snake has somehow entered the Atlantis air conditioning duct system, it is apparently from the Pegasus Galaxy and it is hungry! McKay and his child are confronted by the snake, will they survive? All will be revealed in the sixteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 17: Questions (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 17: Questions
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP17-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP17-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Beckett has started dating and it is getting serious. Ronon and Amelia are expecting again. Lorne is rattled when his twins are born. Vala finally captures her man, Vala and Daniel are dating. Samantha is pregnant again and is ready to give birth, Sheppard is like a cat on a hot tin roof around her. Lorne saves Samantha from an explosion and is critically injured, will he pay the ultimate price? The Jaguar Fleet MSP's get to know Sheppard, McKay insults Sheppard once too often and there is a rift forming in their friendship. Samantha loses patience with McKay. Lot's happening in the seventeenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 18: Answers (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 18: Answers
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP18-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP18-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Sheppard tries to strike up a friendship with Lt. Jai'lin. Cassandra finally obtains permission to visit Atlantis. The snake eggs have hatched and there are hundreds of thousands of them, all growing at a rapid rate. Sheppard and his security teams attempt to eradicate the snakes. Samantha, Chuck and Zelenka are attacked in the gate control room and Sheppard is confronted by a giant snakes open jaws in the eerie darkness of the lower section of Atlantis. Eventually the snake infestation is reduced to ten huge snakes, who will win the final battle between the Pegasus Galaxy snakes and the Atlantean's? Scary things happening in the eighteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 19: Athosian Discovery (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 19: Athosian Discovery
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP19-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP19-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: The Daedalus discovers Athosian Hybrid Wraith on a distant planet, are they the survivors of Michael's "Wraith Experiments"? Who are they, possibly Wex and Jinto? What other races will they find? A documentary team are on Atlantis, they cause havoc, poking into places they have no authority to enter. The MSP's use the distractions to escape from the brig, they are confronted by Colonel Mitchell, will he survive the confrontation? The answer are contained in the nineteenth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".

 ATLANTIS EXPEDITIONS - Episode 20: Jaguar meets Pegasus (coming soon)

Item Name: Atlantis Expeditions - Episode 20: Jaguar meets Pegasus
Item Price: AUD $5.00
Item SKU:   AE-EP20-P (pdf)
Item SKU:   AE-EP20-I (iPad®)
Merchant Fees and Handling: AUD $0.50 (NB: PayPal not active yet, please email order request, link).
Overview: Sheppard reaches an understanding with the Jaguar Fleet MSP's, or at least he thinks he has, Sheppard is shocked and dismayed when told he is now the MSP's master and they are his slaves. The NID receive orders to remove the MSP's from Atlantis for interrogation, during their attempts to remove the MSP's, Ronon and Teyla attempt to intervene and they are taken prisoner. An angry Sheppard attempts to save his friends, will he be in time or will the MSP's escape into the Earth's population? Sheppard discovers blood on the floor, is it Ronon's, Teyla's or from the now missing NID Agents? All will be revealed in the twentieth episode of "Atlantis Expeditions".



